Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Devouring by Simon Holt

This book was recommended by the public librarian, a friend who answered my plea for help. "Where are the scary teen books" I whined (well, not exactly whined, but every week I've been stopping in and asking--where are the geeky teen books, where are the sexy teen books, etc. She knows just what I need and has been great at showing me what is popular at her library. I think she'll be disappointed when this class comes to an end since I am jacking her circ stats way up.)
"Your body is here, but not your soul" proclaims the cover. A girl finds a journal that details the Vours; smoke like creatures who devour fearful humans and take over their bodies at the time of the Winter Solstice. She soon finds out they are a reality when they devour her brother. Thrilling and chilling, this books looks like it will appeal to horror fans as well as fantasy fans. The first in a series.

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