Saturday, November 14, 2009

Feeling happily affirmed

Let the record show I posted my little ramble about boys reading last night! This morning I awoke, checked my email and discussion boards and low and behold---Barb is talking about boys reading (or not.)
Also last night I was reading Unwind and I thought to myself --he's making a statement about abortion (I think, never sure, not done yet.) I'll finally have a clear cut topic for my essay. And this morning Barb shares a letter about the book--and it is about abortion!!!!
Sometimes I feel like I am lost in the supermarket, but today, today I feel just for a moment like I know what the heck I'm doing. Happy day. Thank you, Barb.

1 comment:

  1. Synchronicity! I love it when it feels like I am right in the midst of the zeitgeist. I felt that way in the spring when I was teaching the 2.0 stuff and I though - Oh, I will add Twitter, it is a cute little app. And then it just exploded all over the place and Twitter was everywhere... You are in the YA zone!
