Sunday, November 15, 2009

Revenge of the Nerds- week 11

I would be quick to tell you that I am no fan of Science Fiction and Fantasy. It's the idea of them-- robots tapping into people's brains and dragons breathing fire down my neck. The reality is that if you slip me one of those novels (and there is no dragon on the cover) I will probably enjoy it. I LOVED this week's selection, Unwind by Neil Shusterman--wow!--what a story!
But I do see this as a space where we can attract our male readers. There are several series in my elementary school library that would probably appeal to middle and high schoolers- Pendragon, Eragon, Harry Potter, The City of Ember, Gregor the Overlander, but I want to see what else is available. With that in mind, I set off from my trusty public library to see what non-dragon entries I could find.

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